Friday, November 30, 2018

Digital Painting

Today’s post will be rather short but....I just wanted to announce that I am totally thinking about taking my art to the next level. (This blog is now just about art by the way. Back then I was just focusing on ballpoint pen drawings but I have decided that i will simply be sharing my art journey. I am also making this my main place to share my artworks with you all and my thoughts, ideas and opinions.) so, how am I going to take it to th next level? By becoming a beginner all over again! Let me explain.

The truth is that I don’t know how to paint and I don’t really enjoy painting digitally (yet). So I have decided to learn to paint and the best medium I can think of is digitally because paintings won’t take up physical space and I will not have to buy tools. I think it also alllows me to more easily make mistakes and learn from them.

I will also do my best to draw subjects I am terrible at! Things that I am really uncomfortable drawing. Haha, maybe some might even think a 5 year old drew it! I am also thinking about doing a daily“  paint study” as I will call it...maybe. This way i will be forced to draw and paint a new subject everyday. It’s just a thought though, but I think it’s a good idea.

I also plan on just working with my iPad so that I can share my progress everyday as well. I plan on sharing them here and YouTube.

Well let’s just see what happens. Stay tuned because the purpose of this project is for me to grow as an artist and to show the world that anyone can learn a new skill if they dedicate time and patience to it....i really hope I can accomplish that so that these words have even more strength.

Well,until the next post... stay chill

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I can draw everyday and grow as an artist...but should I post in this site everyday?

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Saturday, October 6, 2018

I was throwing up yesterday and it's quite the crazy experience. You feel like you can breathe and that you are gonna choke...I felt relived afterward though.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Well to be honest with all of you. There aren't many people online who know when my birthday is so I'll leave this here as a way for some of you to find out. Yeah, it's today... October 4th. Haha, I don't really cite my birthday in other social media outlets so I think it's fun to leave it here (since not many people follow this blog as of now and will feel like an easter egg. An extra bit of information about me that only those who seek far into my posts will know).

So please enjoy this rest of the day and this drawing. No, I won't tell you how old I am 😆

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dedicating myself to Rough animation

You know, I'm beginning to realize that I really like making these rough animations. The reason why I like it is because I enjoy sketching. I don't really like making finished artwork or masterpieces but I love sketching.
Since that is the case, then let's bring those sketches to life by animating them. That's wahat I'll do. 
The best thing about making rough animtions is that they allow me to yo practice a wide range of poses and emotions with different camera angles and what not. So it's the ultimate form of sketching and practicing. Well, at least it's fun to see what you draw moving.
So yeah, I think I'm gonna dedicate more time to making rough animations. Let's see what I can certainly up with!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I just love the wonderful ballpoint pen. (I'm about to become a ballpoint pen maniac!!!)
Totally planning on making youtube videos a normal thing now. Please look forward to it

Monday, October 1, 2018

2 in one day?

That's right folks. Two posts in one day.  I have a while I don't post here so perhaps I should remind you that I love drawing with ballpoint pens. Hence this post.

I'm also planning on practicing my skills by creating manga. Its just a thought and not made yet. So stay tuned.
Ok I have something in mind. Planning on coming back to this. Sorry for my absence